    Home Blog Page 8


    “Sometimes I open my mouth and the truth, it just comes out!”
    Lemon Breland

    You do not need to be an interior designer to shop like one, and I am going to spill the secret and tell you where we shop and how we shop. Being an ASID designer and a general contractor has its perks and I am always asked “How do I become a designer so I can get designer discounts?” You can get them now!

    First, we are people, not superheroes. We spend hours sourcing and googling just like you. We walk into the same stores that you do and shop at the same stores …tada that’s it! Orient Express furniture is all over the internet on sites like Amazon, Overstock and Wayfair. We may have a connection here and there and know about some really cool places but that just comes with experience!

    Orient Express Furniture

    Second, all you need is a resale number and a business card, and you can buy just like us. You get the same discount, the same products, and the same service. When we walk into the design center that’s all we have, we aren’t armed with portfolios, degrees or referrals…we have a resale number and a business card…boom…that’s it!

    Third, do not ever be afraid to walk into a store, ask online or call a company to see what their requirements are…I promise, they are not going to give you a test on interior design!

    Fourth, most of your home stores have a discount if you ask, but many of them have a “designers” discount of a little more. Restoration hardware, pottery barn and living spaces all give designer discounts. But many times, we are shopping where you are shopping!

    Fifth, we live at TJ Max, Home Depot, and all of the other stores you already shop at. We just take off the tags and present it differently.

    That’s all the secrets I have to spill today but check back as I reveal “How to work with contractors!”

    I think everyone should love their surroundings so please email me with any questions!!

    Happy Shopping!


    Beach Barn

    Yes, a beach barn!! Posts, beams, neutral, texture, barn doors and big windows…one of my new favs for sure!

    As you prob know, I am not a beach girl, I am a lake girl, and I have really been missing Colorado lately. So, as I shopped Pinterest today looking for my country, farmhouse inspiration to cheer me up, I ran across this beach barn!

    You only have 2 factors when you shop for your dream home…location and design. Design is easy, you can transform anything, and you have full control…. location might be a little more challenging but with persistence you can have it all!

    Credits for house and design to Hutker architects & Liz Stiving-nichols of Marthas Vineyard Interior Design and Pinterest

    Find your location first unless you’re in a temporary situation and then go for that look that feels like you clicked your heels and landed in your dream home!

    There are no rules in design style…so whether it’s a beach barn or a mountain beach house you can create anything you want!!

    Need decorating tips just email me!!

    Happy decorating!



    Creative Baking

    Ah Ha! …you are creative after all, and you found a creative outlet…baking! I love that so many of you are taping into your creative self through this challenging time!  Creativity really does calm you down and gives you a great reason to bake…“Aka the real reason to bake: to stress eat all the sugar you can get your hands on and to make comfort food you can relate to…but we’ll call it a creative outlet”…eating it when its done is just icing on the cake! No more “I don’t have time excuses” just go for it!

    Social media is bulging right now with pictures of apple pies and cookies and cakes. There’s even churros, doughnuts and breads! I am seeing so many posts from others searching for flour and yeast! Even ads willing to trade tp for baking goods! I never saw that one coming! Trust me I know when times get tough, I bake, so flour was one of the first things I went after when this started! All my life and to this day, if anyone that knows me walks in and sees me baking and its not a holiday or occasion, they say “so what’s wrong?”

    Ah ha…so maybe… you really are a baker and you just never had the time or made it a priority to “stop life and bake”? See for me I actually “stop life TO BAKE”.  OK so I’ve been a baker since the age of 5 when I used to pull the chair up to the sink so I could reach the mixer. OK sometimes standing on a chair didn’t end well but most of the time it made the best day ever! I love snicker doodles and I love peanut butter cookies they are both my all-time favs! So this weekend I made snicker doodle Easter gift jars!

    So cute, quick and easy!

    For the kids jars I used scrapbook paper for the lids and bunnies and pom poms for the tails
    You could also write on the jars and personalize if you would like!

    My sizes: The largest size is my regular size I make with a cookie scoop; the medium size is from a melon baller and the small size is from a tsp. I found small or medium works best in the jars! Making the small ones takes some patience but they are so cute and bite size! Tip: Adjust your cooking time if you make tiny cookies, they bake in about half the time!

    Maybe you’ve been afraid of being judged when you finished. What if no one liked it or it wasn’t pretty? The best thing about baking…

    “you can eat the evidence and start over”

    Baking is temperamental and I even make an occasional mistake on things I’ve been making for years, but its usually because I’m not paying attention..multi tasking while baking is truly an art!

    Are you a baker at heart, baking your way through anxiety, baking to save money, baking for comfort or family, or baking so you don’t have to go out?

    I am glad to answer any questions or give you any ideas! I would love to hear from you if you are baking! Why and what are you baking?

    Stay creative and happy baking!!




    It’s almost the end of Feb which is fine by me since Jan is always my least eventful month. I love Fall/winter, the holidays and winter but with a little sun this weekend, and a few days off I’m now on the Easter train to spring! I try to stay ahead of the next curve so I can help you celebrate all the fun, exciting seasons and holidays!

    So this weekend my mind shot to the next chapter spring. So my mind cannot simply just go from winter to spring… oh no, it has to make a whole lot of stops along the way.

    So in my mind spring leads to Easter, which goes to flower everything, and should I skip St Patty’s day, what’s new in crafts this year, new home designs, try some spring deserts, what colors are in this season, what’s trending, weddings and parties are here, mothers and father’s day will pop up soon, and 4th of July is right around the corner. Yes, I know it’s exhausting…but I wouldn’t trade all the creativity of seasons and holidays for anything!

    This weekend spring baking won and I decided to do an edible flower naked cake and cupcakes

    I think it was a combination of the sunny day reminding me of spring flowers and wanting to hone my wedding cake skills. Plus I knew it wasn’t time consuming! Whoever started the naked cake trend is genius…so quick!

    You just cut up edible flowers and make confetti and just sprinkle them on your cake or cupcakes. It was that easy! Be sure you have edible flowers which you can order on Amazon or online. I like the ready made ones online you get them the next day and don’t have to worry! They also have some already cut into pieces or you can just cut up whole flowers like I did.

    You can also grow your own if you use the right flowers and soil made specifically for consumption but make sure you research it thoroughly. The soil and flowers need to be organic and free of any pesticides on or around the plants.

    Here’s an example of a list I found on Pinterest, … double check before using any of them since I don’t know the source. Even if you don’t actually eat them and they are just decoration they are still touching the food you are eating …better to be safe than sorry! Melissa’s, Amazon and gourmet sweet botanicals are a few sites that sell edible flowers.

    I use pansies, cornflower, lavender and violas all the time and I sugar coat them for cookies and cupcakes! You can also throw them in salads, drinks or just top of your fav dishes and desserts. Include some in your next brunch and watch the wow factor they create…I love them on top of pancakes, french toast or waffles! These are really cute for gifts or favors…just put them in a snack bag and add a bow!

    Another trick that’s super easy. Just take 1 egg white, 1 t. water and mix together. Using a small paintbrush coat your flower with the egg/water mixture and then sprinkle with fine sugar. Put on a parchment lined baking sheet and let dry overnight. You can then store them up to a few months so they are great to make ahead!

    Try this at your next party or gathering, it will be sure to impress. Remember presentation is everything so get creative with your favorite serving pieces!

    Seriously…it’s foolproof, sure to make a statement and just the right touch of spring or summer! So quick and easy!

    Happy Baking!




    Wondering how to get more traffic to your vacation rental, air B&B or income property? It might all be in your interior design and decorating. Just do a little staging and you will get 5-star reviews, referrals and returning customers!

    Its technically your home and you know what you like and don’t like but when your property turns into an income property you need to change it up! You might not think of decorating or design as a way to increase traffic but remember decorating and design has a purpose it’s not just fluff! Here’s a few simple, quick, inexpensive ways to up your game and keep them coming back by adding a little staging and decor!


    FAMILY TIME yep when the whole fam gets together it’s fun time! That includes all ages so increase your games, entertaining accessories and all the fun fam favorites. Think about what you do when the family gets together? Include a display with popcorn bowls or slice and bake cookies and sprinkles, extra games, rethink the bar, get the latest smore bar and don’t forget the seasonal outdoor games. A football or croquet or even some fishing poles will go a long way. When families get together, they play games, drink, eat, and try to make memories. TIP: Leave a few journals or family photo frames with your info for them to take home!

    The living room in Chalet Grace in Zermatt, Switzerland boasts exquisite views of the Matterhorn.Airbnb
    Read the original article on Business Insider UK Copyright 2016

    ROMANCE a getaway for 2 usually has romance written all over it. Add some faux fur pillows and throws or games for couples. Leave a bottle of champagne or some choc covered strawberries in the frig. Mention your dimmer switches and set the music to a local romantic music choice. Maybe set out some bubble bath in the bath along with some real/faux candles. TIP: Personalize it and make it feel like everything is set up for just the 2 of them.  

    OCCASIONS celebrating weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays is always my favorite. This is just like family time but with lots of personalized and themed things throughout. Anything from personalized congratulations vignettes, to a custom list of things they might need such as a local bakery, catering or florist. You might include streamers, candles, themed napkins and plates or even an emergency bridal kit with all the emergency tools a bride might need.

    When you go out of your way and add a few custom touches and personalize it everyone takes notice and with social media they will tell the world how great your vacation rental was!

    The living room in Chalet Grace in Zermatt, Switzerland boasts exquisite views of the Matterhorn.Airbnb
    Read the original article on Business Insider UK Copyright 2016



    Ranch Glam

    “The Ranch” one of my favorite Netflix shows, “Ranch Style” one of my favorite design styles and “A Ranch” what I hope to have some day haha. Until someday gets here I like to surround myself with all things ranch farmhouse and rustic with a twist of this or that…like ranch glam. I love, love, love this dome pendant from Wayfair and it has glass crystals not plastic. Its on sale right now for $105.99!

    I love everything about it…the aged metal, the touch of glam and style. It also comes in a shiny metal version but I prefer the distressed metal look. If you are doing industrial glam or want a piece that will be sure to get noticed this is a must have!

    Can’t decide between 2 styles? Does your significant other want the opposite style of what you want? Have a space that needs a pop of something? Then this is the perfect find! Let me know what you think or if you find anything you love. I’m always looking for new exciting products to share!!



    Team Rustic or Team Modern?

    Since its raining today I missed one of my favorite vintage flea markets and going to the stables…so I am inspiration and blog binging!

    It’s no secret I’m team rustic but I can bring the contemporary, modern, glam when I have a client, event or product that calls for it. And truth be told I do like just a touch of glam or a touch of modern to throw off the rustic a little….

    I have always been that person that likes to mix it up! I cringe at the thought of everything matching!

    I found the amazing pics of this stunning home on idesignarc and loved that it was timber and stone with a modern contemporary twist, so I wanted to share this for all of you that think wood and stone is just for rustic styles.

    Wood and stone doesn’t have to be rustic to be beautiful. Organic, natural wood and stone is beautiful no matter how you spin it! This is a stunning example of how wood and stone doesn’t have to be rough and rustic and can be smooth and modern. Are you team rustic or team modern?



    What’s Your Cup of Tea?

    Just like the new 50 is 60, the new style is how many can you pull together and make it work. Sound complicated? It’s not. It’s the easiest thing you can do because you are taking everything you love and pulling it together. Our true selves or “our cup of tea” is what makes us who we are so embrace everything you love and pull it all together! Here’s a perfect example, I happen to love the mountains, old barns and horses. Of course these aren’t the only things I love..oh no, no, no…but… these are a few of the things that get my attention.

    As I finished the last chapter of the book I’d been reading I decided to browse through some new selections and pick my next great adventure to get lost in. I had been reading the Hideaway by Lauren K Denton.

    As I browsed, I found myself trying to find something just like it because I had enjoyed it so much! Why?

    It was about an interior designer that had an antique shop/design business, lived in the south and inherited a bed and breakfast. There was mystery, romance and a few twists… my cup of tea!

    cup of tea; Something that is in accord with one’s liking or taste. …an expression that is used to describe something you like, something you are good at or something you enjoy doing.

    What’s your cup of tea? What photos make you pause? What subjects get you excited, what articles pull you in?

    It could be what you dream about, what reminds you of the past, or who you have become. That’s what makes you who you are…a unique perfect version of you! I would love to hear!




    HOLIDAYS are my favorite and I like to celebrate them all by doing my creative thing. I bake, I decorate, I add little vignettes, I like to entertain, and I love to share my creativity with everyone! Believe me my friends love it when I bake or try new recipes and nothing makes me happier than to share it all…As I always say, “you can’t put a price on creativity, it comes from the heart”! Holidays, occasions and celebrations are fun, happy times and everyone always needs that!

    So this weekend I decided to make homemade, cranberry-orange scones, I found the recipe at They were amazing!… the house smelled so good and my friends were excited to try something new!

    So next time you want to thank someone, give the perfect gift, cheer someone up, just be creative and make something…anything…because





    Yes, you can decorate and design!  Maybe you have the creative gift or the eye for design…or maybe you don’t. Or maybe you do but you think you don’t…I bet that fits a lot of you! But… you have a vision and that is all you need!

    Seriously, it isn’t rocket science.  Marketing has just made you believe that you need to do things a certain way or you’re not doing it right which makes you second guess yourself. Not so …they don’t know your taste, your style or the function of your space or place. One of my favorite quotes for clients from “The Wizard of Oz” …” You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn for yourself”.


    . What bothers you, get rid of it and put something you love in its place

    . List your favorite must keep items and use them, they make you happy

    . Collect pics you envy and add the same elements that caught your eye

    . Just take things away; you don’t need to fill every space, wall and surface

    . If everything is smooth add texture; if everything has texture add smooth


    From onekindesign

    One way to figure out where to start is by looking at your view. I’m not saying that if its snowing right now to make everything white…I’m just pointing out that you can take clues from your surroundings and bring the indoors in as they say. I’d even bet that you picked your home because of the view!

    Another great way to figure out your style:

    Think about fashion. You dress yourself every morning and make choices depending on where you are going and what you are doing. You have your favorite colors and your favorite styles. You probably have a few trend pieces, and item’s that you could never part with… we are all  

    guilty of holding onto things way too long. Do you match everything, or do you mix it up? Do you like conservative, classic pieces or chunky textures and one of a kind design? How do you accessorize? Do you like simple, blingy or both?

    For instance, my closet and my home are both neutral. My closet has a few pops of color but ¾ of it is black, white, tan and gray. My home is the same way except because I like to use pops of color for holidays and occasions and because I am always… changing things!


    EVENTS, PARTYS, HOLIDAYS AND OCCASSIONS FOLLOW A THEME so you tend to color outside the lines of your usual choices. However, WEDDINGS you will find that you stay truer to your style.

    I hope this helps and gives you the confidence you need to start today! Send me any questions and check back for my next blog to help you achieve the perfect space!!


    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!