Ah Ha! …you are creative after all, and you found a creative outlet…baking! I love that so many of you are taping into your creative self through this challenging time! Creativity really does calm you down and gives you a great reason to bake…“Aka the real reason to bake: to stress eat all the sugar you can get your hands on and to make comfort food you can relate to…but we’ll call it a creative outlet”…eating it when its done is just icing on the cake! No more “I don’t have time excuses” just go for it!
Social media is bulging right now with pictures of apple pies and cookies and cakes. There’s even churros, doughnuts and breads! I am seeing so many posts from others searching for flour and yeast! Even ads willing to trade tp for baking goods! I never saw that one coming! Trust me I know when times get tough, I bake, so flour was one of the first things I went after when this started! All my life and to this day, if anyone that knows me walks in and sees me baking and its not a holiday or occasion, they say “so what’s wrong?”
Ah ha…so maybe… you really are a baker and you just never had the time or made it a priority to “stop life and bake”? See for me I actually “stop life TO BAKE”. OK so I’ve been a baker since the age of 5 when I used to pull the chair up to the sink so I could reach the mixer. OK sometimes standing on a chair didn’t end well but most of the time it made the best day ever! I love snicker doodles and I love peanut butter cookies they are both my all-time favs! So this weekend I made snicker doodle Easter gift jars!
My sizes: The largest size is my regular size I make with a cookie scoop; the medium size is from a melon baller and the small size is from a tsp. I found small or medium works best in the jars! Making the small ones takes some patience but they are so cute and bite size! Tip: Adjust your cooking time if you make tiny cookies, they bake in about half the time!
Maybe you’ve been afraid of being judged when you finished. What if no one liked it or it wasn’t pretty? The best thing about baking…
“you can eat the evidence and start over”
Baking is temperamental and I even make an occasional mistake on things I’ve been making for years, but its usually because I’m not paying attention..multi tasking while baking is truly an art!
Are you a baker at heart, baking your way through anxiety, baking to save money, baking for comfort or family, or baking so you don’t have to go out?
I am glad to answer any questions or give you any ideas! I would love to hear from you if you are baking! Why and what are you baking?
Stay creative and happy baking!!