Yes, a beach barn!! Posts, beams, neutral, texture, barn doors and big windows…one of my new favs for sure!
As you prob know, I am not a beach girl, I am a lake girl, and I have really been missing Colorado lately. So, as I shopped Pinterest today looking for my country, farmhouse inspiration to cheer me up, I ran across this beach barn!
You only have 2 factors when you shop for your dream home…location and design. Design is easy, you can transform anything, and you have full control…. location might be a little more challenging but with persistence you can have it all!

Find your location first unless you’re in a temporary situation and then go for that look that feels like you clicked your heels and landed in your dream home!

There are no rules in design style…so whether it’s a beach barn or a mountain beach house you can create anything you want!!
Need decorating tips just email me!!
Happy decorating!