
    A New Twist on Old Decor


    This year try something new and buy a blue pumpkin! For me, it’s not about being “on trend” and having the same thing everyone else has, it’s about finding the things that nobody else has!  If you’re that person you know this can be a blessing and a curse. If you can’t find it your mind starts to figure out how to create it…that’s where the creativity part comes in. It can be frustrating or magical! As professional designers, creatives and artists we listen to our client and create their vision by providing the ideas, sources and throwing in some creativity.  Our payoff, besides the money, is the “ta da” moment and a happy client. But when we are designing and creating for ourselves, there are no boundaries and no rules…only imagination!

    Go ahead admit it, you love it when your friends say, “that is so cute where did you get that”? They say that because they haven’t seen it. Then when the trend catches on you quit hearing it because everyone else has it. It’s OK to buy whatever the mannequin has on at the mall or the same sofa that every store has…we all need our basics, but true creatives are always on the hunt for treasures! Etsy, Instagram and Boutiques are among my fav’s because they are full of creative people and products!

    Are you creative? If you like flea markets, antiquing and vintage style you are a creative person. You may not think of yourself as one, but you are. Why else would you spend hours, days, weeks, months, or even years searching for one of a kind items? OK so there is a slight chance you just like to shop or you’re an impulse buyer…it’s all right we’ve all been there.

    Yes, I am now in full swing designing new products for Fall and Holiday… I have decided to put a new twist on farmhouse signs, and I have been adding different elements such as themed paper and embellishments. See my previous post for a sneak peak. Like this wood sign with Swarovski crystals…Let’s face it… you aren’t going to resonate with everything I design but someone will see it and think they found the holy grail. That’s the beauty of unique pieces, they speak to the right person!

    Use your imagination…is there a word or phrase that speaks to you when you see this? A color or pattern you might want in the background instead? Let me know, I will design it and you will have a one of a kind piece!

    This year maybe buy a fun pumpkin that isn’t orange?

    What treasures have you found?


    Carrie Bachmayer
    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

    The Author

    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

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