
    Goodbye 2018!


    Hello 2019…

    I just returned from Colorado one of my favorite places to visit! I had a great time and always love seeing my friends! One of my favorite places when I visit is main street in Parker, Colorado. It’s like a Christmas movie! Luckily, I held off a cold I picked up until I returned home! Then boom, I got a bad one…I guess there is a first time for everything because this was the first Christmas I have ever been sick! I did still manage to pull Christmas and some last minute projects together. I did a lot of resting in between which meant I watched a lot, and I mean a lot… of Christmas movies! Christmas movies are the best… every movie has the perfect cozy rustic house, a bakery, cute small-town stores, fabulous winter fashions, along with dogs and horses and lots of romance….I just wanted to jump into each movie…who says we can’t have it all…

     I know I’m not the only one that wants to move to a cute little town, open a cute store where you know everyone that comes in, and have the cutest rustic house on the block just like in those movies! That’s what I love being in design…everyone should be surrounded by everything they love and create picture perfect memories, just like in those movies! Bring on 2019!

    Well 2019 starts in less than 8 hours…so as I say goodbye to 2018 and get ready to bring in the new year, here were a few of my favorite things I will carry with me into 2019:

    Design inspiration, projects, ideas, country music concerts, wood, flea market finds, cowboy boots, the stables, animals, spending time with family and friends, meeting new friends and much more….

    Happy New Year to all…. I hope you star in your movie this year!


    Carrie Bachmayer
    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

    The Author

    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

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    Goodbye Christmas

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