One more week to September and you can’t wait to get out your big orange and black bins that have been stored away for a year with fun Fall and Halloween decor! But maybe you aren’t quite ready for pumpkins and ghosts to take over your home….here are a few tips to transition into Fall and the Holidays gracefully:
- Use different colors than the traditional oranges and blacks, who doesn’t love a blue pumpkin!
- Mix a few Fall items like pumpkins and Fall leaves in with other items like succulents or fresh flowers
- Use muted or pastel versions of Fall colors
- Use patterns for your table or pillows that are Fall-ish but can also blend with any decor such as a black or orange buffalo plaid or stripe
- Change out candles to Fall scents
- Put up your wood signs or decor pieces that have words like “Gather”
Keep decorating!