


    My world is like having 10,000 browser tabs open at once! I am always looking for inspiration pics! Usually anything that involves a house interior or exterior.  I cannot wait to move to wide open spaces someday, but until then I live through inspiration and I am grateful for the view that I have which isn’t too bad:) But when I’m scrolling and find that “OMG I want to live there, or OMG I want that”  pic then I know I’ve found something I want to share!

    This is one of those pics! The view, the rustic charm, the bright energy, a few of my favorite things!! I think its true talent when someone can capture that perfect “I can picture myself living there even” moment in a photo! You’ve got to love social media…you can transport yourself anywhere, anytime!

    My list is simple because I know I can transform anything on the inside. So, the view, light, and surroundings are on my must have list!

    Achieving the right rustic balance does take some work. Its not just adding wood…. sometimes rustic can have too much of a good thing. If you have too much texture such as wood and stone, it will pull dark…and if you have too much dark it will be dreary not cheery! I know I sound like a broken record but that’s why I always say mix it up with textures!

    A view and natural light is like winning the lotto! Sometimes that’s not an option. If that’s the case, then lighten up your texture and your colors or at least part of it.

    What’s on your list? What makes you stop and say wow when you see it?



    Carrie Bachmayer
    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

    The Author

    Carrie Bachmayer
    Welcome friends of The Striped Barn! Lets chat, design, get creative and share inspiration!

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